Submissions from 2009
Introduction to the Symposium on the Model Penal Code's Sentencing Proposals, Christopher Slobogin
Justice Ginsburg's Gradualism in Criminal Procedure, Christopher Slobogin
Mental Illness and Self-Representation: Faretta, Godinez and Edwards, Christopher Slobogin
The Death Penalty in Florida, Christopher Slobogin
Juvenile Justice: The Fourth Option, Christopher Slobogin and Mark R. Fondacaro
Agency Statutory Interpretation and Policymaking Form, Kevin M. Stack
The Reviewability of the President's Statutory Powers, Kevin M. Stack
Common Challenges Facing Shareholder Suits in Europe and the United States, Randall Thomas and James D. Cox
Mapping the American Shareholder Litigation Experience, Randall Thomas and James D. Cox
Does Private Equity Create Wealth? The Effects of Private Equity and Derivatives on Corporate Governance, Randall Thomas and Ronald W. Masulis
Micro-Offsets and Macro-Transformation: An Inconvenient View of Climate Change Justice, Michael P. Vandenbergh, Brooke A. Ackerly, and Fred E. Forster
Costly Myths: An Analysis of Idling Beliefs and Behavior in Personal Motor Vehicles, Michael P. Vandenbergh, Amanda R. Carrico, Paul Padgett, Jonathan Gilligan, and Kenneth A. Wallston
Household Actions Can Provide a Behavioral Wedge to Rapidly Reduce U.S. Carbon Emissions, Michael P. Vandenbergh, Thomas Dietz, Gerald T. Gardner, Jonathan Gilligan, and Paul C. Stern
Reply to Comments on "The Devaluation of Life", W. Kip Viscusi
The Devaluation of Life, W. Kip Viscusi
Valuing Risks of Death from Terrorism and Natural Disasters, W. Kip Viscusi
The Effects of Tort Reform on Medical Malpractice Insurers’ Ultimate Losses, W. Kip Viscusi, Patricia Born, and Tom Baker
The Captures Clause, Ingrid Wuerth
Transnationalizing Public Law, Ingrid Wuerth
Separated by a Common Language?, Yesha Yadav
Submissions from 2008
The Failure of Breast Cancer Informed Consent Statutes, Rachael Anderson-Watts
Recognizing Our Dangerous Gifts: Applying the Social Model to Individuals with Mental Illness, Rachel Anderson-Watts
The New Role for Assurance Services in Global Commerce, Margaret M. Blair
The Myth of the Generalist Judge, Edward K. Cheng
Election as Appointment: The Tennessee Plan Reconsidered, Brian T. Fitzpatrick
Errors, Omissions, and the Tennessee Plan, Brian T. Fitzpatrick
From Judge to Justice: Social Background Theory and the Supreme Court, Tracey E. George
Sunstein1s and 2s, Tracey E. George and Paul H. Edelman
"The Threes": Re-Imagining Supreme Court Decisionmaking, Tracey E. George and Chris Guthrie
Chief Judges: The Limits of Attitudinal Theory and Possible Paradox of Managerial Judging, Tracey E. George and Albert H. Yoon
Making Copyright Whole: A Principled Approach to Copyright Exceptions and Limitations, Daniel J. Gervais
"Carhart", Constitutional Rights, and the Psychology of Regret, Chris Guthrie
"The Threes": Re-Imagining Supreme Court Decisionmaking, Chris Guthrie and Tracey E. George
Rethinking Contract Practice and Law in Japan, John O. Haley
Profiling the New Immigrant Worker: The Effects of Skin Color and Height, Joni Hersch
Skin Color Discrimination and Immigrant Pay, Joni Hersch
Law, Biology, and Property: A New Theory of the Endowment Effect, Owen D. Jones and Sarah F. Brosnan
The Neural Correlates of Third-Party Punishment, Owen D. Jones, Joshua Buckholtz, Christopher L. Asplund, Paul E. Dux, David H. Zald, John C. Gore, and Rene Marois
Habeas Corpus and State Sentencing Reform: A Story of Unintended Consequences, Nancy J. King and Suzanna Sherry
Capitalism and the Tax System: A Search for Social Justice, Beverly I. Moran
A Near Term Retrospective on the Al-Dujail Trial & the Death of Saddam Hussein, Michael A. Newton
Corporations and the Market for Law, Erin O'Connor
Rules and Institutions in Developing a Law Market: Views from the United States and Europe, Erin O'Connor
Why the Filed Rate Doctrine Should Not Imply Blanket Judicial Deference to Regulatory Agencies, Jim Rossi
Agriculture and Ecosystem Services: Strategies for State and Local Governments, J.B. Ruhl
Climate Change and the Endangered Species Act: Building Bridges to the No-Analog Future, J.B. Ruhl
Farms and Ecosystem Services, J.B. Ruhl
Law's Complexity: A Primer, J.B. Ruhl
Making Nuisance Ecological, J.B. Ruhl
Heightened Enablement in the Unpredictable Arts, Sean B. Seymore
The Enablement Pendulum Swings Back, Sean B. Seymore
Review of Crafting the Overseer's Image by William E. Wiethoff, Daniel J. Sharfstein
Democracy Uncaged, Suzanna Sherry
Overruling Erie: Nationwide Class Actions and National Common Law, Suzanna Sherry
Counterinsurgency and Constitutional Design, Ganesh Sitaraman
Experts, Mental States, and Acts, Christopher Slobogin
Government Data Mining and the Fourth Amendment, Christopher Slobogin
Public Pension Funds as Shareholder Activists: A Comment on Choi and Fisch, Randall Thomas
The Evolving Role of Institutional Investors in Corporate Governance and Corporate Litigation, Randall Thomas
There are Plaintiffs and . . . There are Plaintiffs: An Empirical Analysis of Securities Class Action Settlements, Randall Thomas, James D. Cox, and Lynn Bai
The Returns to Hedge Fund Activism, Randall S. Thomas, Alon Brav, Wei Jiang, and Frank Partnoy
Climate Change: The China Problem, Michael P. Vandenbergh
Climate Change: The Equity Problem, Michael P. Vandenbergh and Brooke A. Ackerly
Individual Carbon Emissions: The Low-Hanging Fruit, Michael P. Vandenbergh, Jack Barkenbus, and Jonathan Gilligan
Consumption, Happiness, and Climate Change, Michael P. Vandenbergh and Mark A. Cohen
Climate Change and Consumption, Michael P. Vandenbergh and Douglas A. Kysar
Discounting Dilemmas: Editors' Introduction, W. Kip Viscusi
Estimating Discount Rates for Environmental Quality from Utility-Based Choice Experiments, W. Kip Viscusi
How to Value a Life, W. Kip Viscusi
Using Economics to Fuel Responsible Energy Consumption Decisions, W. Kip Viscusi
Adjusting the Value of a Statistical Life for Age and Cohort Effects, W. Kip Viscusi and Joseph E. Aldy
Reference Dependence in Iterative Choices, W. Kip Viscusi, Joel Huber, and Jason Bell
The Economic Value of Water Quality, W. Kip Viscusi, Joel Huber, and Jason Bell
The Legislative Median and Partisan Policy, Alan E. Wiseman and John R. Wright
An Originalism for Foreign Affairs, Ingrid Wuerth
Medellin: The New, New Formalism?, Ingrid Wuerth
Submissions from 2007
Deference and Democracy, Lisa Schultz Bressman
Procedures as Politics in Administrative Law, Lisa Schultz Bressman
Legitimacy, Selectivity, and the Disunitary Executive: A Reply to Sally Katzen, Lisa Schultz Bressman and Michael P. Vandenbergh
Independent Judicial Research in the "Daubert" Age, Edward K. Cheng
The Perils of Evidentiary Manipulation, Edward K. Cheng
What Are We Comparing in Comparative Negligence?, Paul H. Edelman
The Most Dangerous Justice Rides into the Sunset, Paul H. Edelman and Jim Chen
Six Degrees of Cass Sunstein, Paul H. Edelman and Tracey E. George
Can Michigan Universities Use Proxies for Race After the Ban on Racial Preferences?, Brian T. Fitzpatrick
Six Degrees of Cass Sunstein, Tracey E. George and Paul H. Edelman
The Protection of Databases, Daniel J. Gervais
Misjudging, Chris Guthrie
Blinking on the Bench: How Judges Decide Cases, Chris Guthrie and Andrew J. Wistrich
Cunningham v. California - CASE COMMENT, Rebecca Haw Allensworth
Allocating Responsibility for the Failure of Global Warming Policies, Joni Hersch and W. Kip Viscusi
An Empirical Assessment of Early Offer Reform for Medical Malpractice, Joni Hersch and W. Kip Viscusi
Endowment Effects in Chimpanzees, Owen D. Jones, Sarah F. Brosnan, Susan P. Lambeth, Mary Catherine Mareno, Amanda S. Richardson, and Steven Schapiro
Law, Responsibility, and the Brain, Owen D. Jones, Hakwan C. Lau, Dean Mobbs, and Christopher D. Frith
Law, Responsibility, and the Brain, Owen D. Jones, Dean Mobbs, Hakwan C. Lau, and Christopher D. Frith
The Origins of Shared Intuitions of Justice, Owen D. Jones, Paul H. Robinson, and Robert Kurzban
Regulating Settlement: What is Left of the Rule of Law in the Criminal Process?, Nancy J. King
Welcome to Hazelton - Illegal Immigrants Beware, Karla M. McKanders
Federalism and Accountability, Timothy Meyer