Submissions from 2007
The Perils of Evidentiary Manipulation, Edward K. Cheng
What Are We Comparing in Comparative Negligence?, Paul H. Edelman
The Most Dangerous Justice Rides into the Sunset, Paul H. Edelman and Jim Chen
Six Degrees of Cass Sunstein, Paul H. Edelman and Tracey E. George
Can Michigan Universities Use Proxies for Race After the Ban on Racial Preferences?, Brian T. Fitzpatrick
Six Degrees of Cass Sunstein, Tracey E. George and Paul H. Edelman
The Protection of Databases, Daniel J. Gervais
Misjudging, Chris Guthrie
Blinking on the Bench: How Judges Decide Cases, Chris Guthrie and Andrew J. Wistrich
Cunningham v. California - CASE COMMENT, Rebecca Haw Allensworth
Allocating Responsibility for the Failure of Global Warming Policies, Joni Hersch and W. Kip Viscusi
An Empirical Assessment of Early Offer Reform for Medical Malpractice, Joni Hersch and W. Kip Viscusi
Endowment Effects in Chimpanzees, Owen D. Jones, Sarah F. Brosnan, Susan P. Lambeth, Mary Catherine Mareno, Amanda S. Richardson, and Steven Schapiro
Law, Responsibility, and the Brain, Owen D. Jones, Hakwan C. Lau, Dean Mobbs, and Christopher D. Frith
Law, Responsibility, and the Brain, Owen D. Jones, Dean Mobbs, Hakwan C. Lau, and Christopher D. Frith
The Origins of Shared Intuitions of Justice, Owen D. Jones, Paul H. Robinson, and Robert Kurzban
Regulating Settlement: What is Left of the Rule of Law in the Criminal Process?, Nancy J. King
Welcome to Hazelton - Illegal Immigrants Beware, Karla M. McKanders
Federalism and Accountability, Timothy Meyer
The Populist Safeguards of Federalism, Robert A. Mikos
Do Citizens Care About Federalism? An Experimental Test, Robert Mikos and Cindy D. Kam
Race and Wealth Disparity: The Role of Law and the Legal System, Beverly I. Moran and Stephanie M. Wildman
Modern Military Necessity: The Role & Relevance of Military Lawyers, Michael A. Newton
Antitrust Process and Vertical Deference: Judicial Review of State Regulatory Inaction, Jim Rossi
The Pardy-Ruhl Dialogue on Ecosystem Management, Part IV: Narrowing and Sharpening the Questions, J.B. Ruhl
The Law and Policy Beginnings of Ecosystem Services, J.B. Ruhl and James Salzman
Rationalizing the Taxation of Reorganizations and Other Corporate Acquisitions, Herwig J. Schlunk
Local Property Law: Adjusting the Scale of Property Protection, Christopher Serkin
The "Printed Publication" Bar After Klopfenstein: Has the Federal Circuit Changed the Way Professors Should Talk About Science?, Sean B. Seymore
Crossing the Color Line: Racial Migration and the One-Drop Rule, 1600-1860, Daniel J. Sharfstein
Democracy and the Death of Knowledge, Suzanna Sherry
Service Pays: Creating Opportunities by Linking College with Public Service, Ganesh Sitaraman, Elizabeth Warren, and Sandy Baum
Lying and Confessing, Christopher Slobogin
The Liberal Assault on the Fourth Amendment, Christopher Slobogin
The Constitutional Foundations of Chenery, Kevin M. Stack
Reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act: How Politics and Symbolism Failed America, Carol M. Swain
Shareholder Proposals in the New Millennium: Shareholder Support, Board Response, and Market Reactions, Randall S. Thomas and James Cotter
The New Wal-Mart Effect: The Role of Private Contracting in Global Governance, Michael P. Vandenbergh
The Carbon-Neutral Individual, Michael P. Vandenbergh and Anne C. Steinemann
Rational Discounting for Regulatory Analysis, W. Kip Viscusi
Age Differences in the Value of Statistical Life: Revealed Preference Evidence, W. Kip Viscusi and Joseph E. Aldy
Labor Market Estimates of the Senior Discount for the Value of Statistical Life, W. Kip Viscusi and Joseph E. Aldy
Automobile Seatbelt Usage and the Value of Statistical Life, W. Kip Viscusi and Jahn K. Hakes
Allocating Responsibility for the Failure of Global Warming Policies, W. Kip Viscusi and Joni Hersch
An Empirical Assessment of Early Offer Reform for Medical Malpractice, W. Kip Viscusi, Wesley A. Magat, and Joel Huber
The Politics of Wine: Trade Barriers, Interest Groups and the Commerce Clause, Alan E. Wiseman and Jerry Ellig
International Law and Constitutional Interpretation: The Commander in Chief Clause Reconsidered, Ingrid Wuerth
Submissions from 2006
Specific Investment: Explaining Anomalies in "Corporate Law", Margaret M. Blair and Lynn A. Stout
Inside the Administrative State: A Critical Look at the Practice of Presidential Control, Lisa Schultz Bressman and Michael P. Vandenbergh
Same Old, Same Old: Scientific Evidence Past and Present, Edward K. Cheng
Should Judges Do Independent Research on Scientific Issues?, Edward K. Cheng
Structural Laws and the Puzzle of Regulating Behavior, Edward K. Cheng
Patients and Biobanks, Ellen Wright Clayton
The Web of Relations: Thinking About Physicians and Patients, Ellen Wright Clayton
Getting the Math Right, Paul H. Edelman
The Allocation Problem in Multiple-Claimant Representations, Paul H. Edelman, Richard A. Nagareda, and Charles Silver
An Empirical Study of Empirical Legal Scholarship: The Top Law Schools, Tracey E. George
Anchoring, Information, Expertise, and Negotiation: New Insights from Meta-Analysis, Chris Guthrie and Dan Orr
Insurers, Illusions of Judgment & Litigation, Chris Guthrie and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Inside the Bankruptcy Judge's Mind, Chris Guthrie, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, and Andrew J. Wistrich
Demand for a Jury Trial and the Selection of Cases for Trial, Joni Hersch
Sex Discrimination in the Labor Market, Joni Hersch
Skin-Tone Effects among African Americans: Perceptions and Reality, Joni Hersch
Behavioral Genetics and Crime, In Context, Owen D. Jones
Reasonableness Review After Booker, Nancy J. King
Emotional Competence, "Rational Understanding," and the Criminal Defendant, Terry A. Maroney
Law and Emotion: A Proposed Taxonomy of an Emerging Field Special Edition, Terry A. Maroney
"Eggshell" Victims, Private Precautions, and the Societal Benefits of Shifting Crime, Robert A. Mikos
The Iraqi High Criminal Court: Controversy and Contributions, Michael A. Newton
A Cognitive Theory of Trust, Erin O'Connor
State Executive Lawmaking in Crisis, Jim Rossi
The Puzzle of State Constitutions, Jim Rossi
In Defense of Regulatory Peer Review, J.B. Ruhl and James Salzman
A Lifetime Income Tax, Herwig J. Schlunk
A Minimalist Approach to Corporate Income Taxation, Herwig J. Schlunk
In Search of a Unifying Principle for Article V of the Uniform Trust Code: A Response to Professor Danforth, Jeffrey Schoenblum
My Patent, Your Patent, or Our Patent? Inventorship Disputes Within Academic Research Groups, Sean B. Seymore
Logic Without Experience: The Problem of Federal Appellate Courts, Suzanna Sherry
Dangerousness and Expertise Redux, Christopher Slobogin
Tarasoff as a Duty to Treat: Insights From Criminal Law, Christopher Slobogin
Reconceptualizing Due Process in Juvenile Justice: Contributions from Law and Social Science, Christopher Slobogin, Mark R. Fondacaro, and Tricia Cross
The President's Statutory Powers to Administer the Laws, Kevin M. Stack
Does the Plaintiff Matter? An Empirical Analysis of Lead Plaintiffs in Securities Class Actions, Randall Thomas and James D. Cox
An Empirical Analysis of CEO Employment Contracts: What Do Top Executives Bargain For?, Randall Thomas and Stewart J. Schwab
Monetizing the Benefits of Risk and Environmental Regulation, W. Kip Viscusi
Natural Disaster Risks: An Introduction, W. Kip Viscusi
The Catastrophic Effects of Natural Disasters on Insurance Markets, W. Kip Viscusi and Patricia Born
National Survey Evidence on Disasters and Relief: Risk Beliefs, Self-Interest, and Compassion, W. Kip Viscusi and Richard J. Zeckhauser
Submissions from 2005
How "Mead" Has Muddled Judicial Review of Agency Action, Lisa Schultz Bressman
Mitochondrial DNA: Emerging Legal Issues, Edward K. Cheng
Reenvisioning Law Through the DNA Lens, Edward K. Cheng
Does Frye or Daubert Matter? A Study of Scientific Admissibility Standards, Edward K. Cheng and Albert Yoon
Adverse Possession of Identity: Radical Theory, Conventional Practice, Jessica A. Clarke
The Futility of Appeal: Disciplinary Insights into the "Affirmance Effect" on the United States Courts of Appeals, Tracey E. George and Chris Guthrie
Intellectual Property, Trade & Development: The State of Play, Daniel J. Gervais
The Purpose of Copyright Law in Canada, Daniel J. Gervais
Towards a New Core International Copyright Norm: The Reverse Three-Step Test, Daniel J. Gervais
Traditional Knowledge & Intellectual Property: A TRIPS-Compatible Approach, Daniel J. Gervais