Submissions from 2024
The Ordinary Questions Doctrine, Lisa S. Bressman
Lower Courts After Loper Bright, Lisa Schultz Bressman
The Prohibition of Annexations and the Foundations of Modern International Law, Ingrid W. Brunk and Monica Hakimi
The Impact of Banning Confidential Settlements on Discrimination Dispute Resolution, Joni Hersch and Blair D. Bullock
Rethinking Federal Inducement of Pretext Stops, Farhang Heydari
Climate Zoning, Christopher Serkin
Exacting Assessments: Sheetz and the Problem of Stategraft, Christopher Serkin
Patent Law's Role in Protecting Public Health, Sean B. Seymore
A Bayesian Analysis of E-Cigarette Risk Perceptions in the United Kingdom, W. Kip Viscusi
Submissions from 2023
Book Review: Grease or Grit?, Rebecca H. Allensworth
Risk-Seeking Governance, Brian Broughman and Matthew T. Wansley
Central Bank Immunity, Sanctions, and Sovereign Wealth Funds, Ingrid W. Brunk
Symposium: Reimagining the Rules of Evidence at 50, Edward K. Cheng
Embracing Deference, Edward K. Cheng, Elodie O. Currier, and Payton B. Hampton
Unenforceable Waivers, Edward K. Cheng, Ehud Guttel, and Yuval Procaccia
Bending the Rules of Evidence, Edward K. Cheng, G. Alexander Nunn, and Julia Simon-Kerr
Human-Centered Design to Address Biases in Artificial Intelligence, Ellen W. Clayton, You Chen, Laurie L. Novak, Shilo Anders, and Bradley Malin
A Game Theoretic Approach to Balance Privacy Risks and Familial Benefits, Ellen W. Clayton, Jia Guo, Murat Kantarcioglu, and et al.
Developing Ethics and Equity Principles, Terms and Engagement Tools, Ellen W. Clayton, Rachele Hendricks-Sturrup, Shilo Anders, and et al.
Returning Integrated Genomic Risk and Clinical Recommendations: The eMERGE Study, Ellen W. Clayton, Jodell E. Linder, Aimee Allworth, Sara T. Bland, and 100 others...
Education and Electronic Medical Records and Genomics Network, Challenges and Lessons Learned from a Large-Scale Clinical Trial Using Polygenic Risk Scores, Ellen Wright Clayton, John J. Connolly, and et al.
Concordance of International Regulation of Pediatric Health Research, Ellen W. Clayton, Mark A. Rothstein JD, and et al.
How Far Does Natural Law Protect Private Property, James W. Ely Jr.
One of the Safeguards of the Constitution: The Direct Tax Clauses Revisted, James W. Ely Jr.
Climate Damages, Globalism, and Federal Regulation, Arthur Fraas, John D. Graham, Kerry Krutilla, Randall Lutter, Jason Shogren, and W. Kip Viscusi
The Death of the Legal Subject, Katrina Geddes
Gender, Credentials, and M&A, Tracey E. George, G. Mitu Gulati, and Albert H. Yoon
Some Are More Equal Than Others: U.S. Supreme Court Clerkships, Tracey E. George, G. Mitu Gulati, and Albert H. Yoon
To Preserve, Release, and Litigate: Dimensions of Executive Branch Transparency, Tracey E. George and Gbemende E. Johnson
The Visible Trial: Judicial Assessment as Adjudication, Tracey E. George and Albert H. Yoon
Towards an Effective Transnational Regulation of AI, Daniel J. Gervais
Artificial Intelligence and Interspecific Law, Daniel J. Gervais and John J. Nay
Gender, Race, and Job Satisfaction of Law Graduates, Joni Hersch
The Charter School Network (Almost) No One Wants, Joni Hersch and Colton Cronin
The Federal Government's Role in Local Policing, Farhang Heydari, Barry Friedman, and Rachel Harmon
Changes in Household Recycling Behavior: Evidence from Panel Data, Joel Huber, Jason Bell, and W. Kip Viscusi
Using an Evolutionary Approach to Improve Predictive Ability in Social Sciences: Property, the Endowment Effect, and Law, Owen D. Jones and Sarah F. Brosnan
Constitutional Limits on the Imposition and Revocation of Probation, Parole, and Supervised Release After Haymond, Nancy J. King
Discharge Discrimination, Nicole Langston
How Are You Holding Up? The State of Judges' Well-Being: A Report on the 2019 National Judicial, Terry Maroney, David X. Swenson, Joan Bibelhausen, and David Marc
Historicizing the War(s) on Drugs across National (and Disciplanary) Borders, Sara Mayeux
Make All the Laws You Want: The Catholic Left Against Legal Liberalism, Circa 1968, Sara Mayeux
The Mob Lawyer's Constitution, Sara Mayeux
Comment, Francesca Procaccini
(E)racing Speech in School, Francesca I. Procaccini
SPAC Mergers, IPOs, and the PSLRA's Safe Harbor: Unpacking Claims of Regulatory Arbitrage, Amanda M. Rose
Adapting Private Law for Climate Change Adaptation, Jim Rossi and J. B. Ruhl
Representative Rulemaking, Jim Rossi and Kevin Stack
A Major Answer to the Major Questions Doctrine, Edward L. Rubin
Major Contradictions at the Roberts Court, Edward L. Rubin
The End Externalities Manifesto: Restatement, Loose Ends, and Unfinished Business, J. B. Ruhl
How to Fix Our Green Infrastructure Problem, J. B. Ruhl and J. Salzman
The Green's Dilemma: Building Tomorrow's Climate Infrastructure Today, J. B. Ruhl and James Salzman
Time to SLAPP Back: Advocating Against the Adverse Civil Liberties Implications of Litigation that Undermines Public Participation, Jennifer Safstrom
Developing Inclusive Language Competency in Clinical Teaching, Jennifer Safstrom and Joseph Mead
Directed Trusts and the Conflict of Laws, Jeffrey Schoenblum
The Future of Natural Property Law: Comments on Eric Claeys's Natural Property Rights, Christopher Serkin
Growth ≠ Density: Zoning Deregulation and the Enduring Problem of Sprawl, Christopher Serkin and Kelsea Best
Patent Forfeiture, Sean B. Seymore
The Perils of Asian-American Erasure, Matthew P. Shaw
Deplatforming, Ganesh Sitaraman
The National Security Consequences of the Major Questions Doctrine, Ganesh Sitaraman and Timothy Meyer
Election Administration as a Licensed Profession, Ganesh Sitaraman and Kevin M. Stack
Administrative Regulation of Programmatic Policing: Why "Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle" is Both Right and Wrong, Christopher Slobogin
Presumptive Use of Pretrial Risk Assessment Instruments, Christopher Slobogin
Surveillance Technologies and Constitutional Law, Christopher Slobogin and Sarah Brayne
Creating a People-First Court Data Framework, Lauren Sudeall and Charlotte S. Alexander
Disaster Discordance: Local Court Implementation of State and Federal Eviction Policies, Lauren Sudeall, Elora L. Raymond, and Philip M.E. Garboden
A Balanced Prescription for More Effective Environmental Regulations, W. Kip Viscusi
Is a Child's Life Twice as Valuable as an Adult's?, W. Kip Viscusi
How Regulations Undervalue Occupational Fatalities, W. Kip Viscusi and Robert J. Cramer
The Locus of Dread for Mass Shooting Risks: Distinguishing Alarmist Risk Beliefs from Risk Preferences, W. Kip Viscusi and Rachel E. Dalafave
Differences by Race and Ethnicity in Title IX's Effect on Women's Health, W. Kip Viscusi, Joni Hersch, and Delaney Beck
Quasi-Experimental Evidence on the Impact of State Recycling and Deposit Laws: Household Recycling Following Interstate Moves, W. Kip Viscusi, Joel Huber, and Jasen Bell
Using Objective Characteristics to Target Household Recycling Policies, W. Kip Viscusi, Joel Huber, and Jason Bell
Compensating Differentials for Occupational Health and Safety Risks: Implications of Recend Evidence, W. Kip Viscusi and Thomas J. Kniesner
Promoting Equity through Equitable Risk Tradeoffs, W. Kip Viscusi and Thomas J. Kniesner
The Problematic Forgotten Buyback, Yesha Yadav
Submissions from 2022
Honoring the Public Trust: Curbing the Bane of Physician Sexual Misconduct, Rebecca H. Allensworth, K. S. Sindhu, and et al.
Judicial Retention Elections for State Appellate Judges: The Implications of the Ballot-Access Cases, James Blumstein
Russia, Ukraine, and the Future World Order, Ingrid W. Brunk and Monica Hakimi
The Consensus Rule: A New Approach to Scientific Evidence, Edward K. Cheng
Sequencing in Damages, Edward K. Cheng, Ehud Guttel, and Yuval Procaccia
The Reckoning: The Return of Genomic Results to 1444 Participants Across the eMERGE3 Network, Ellen W. Clayton, Kathleen A. Leppig, and et al.
Impact of Returning Unsolicited Genomic Results to Nongenetic Health Care Providers in the eMERGE III Network, Ellen W. Clayton, J. A. Madden, and et al.
The Public Perception of the #GeneEditedBabies Event Across Multiple Social Media Platforms: Observational Study, Ellen W. Clayton, Congning Ni, and et al.
Sociotechnical Safeguards for Genomic Data Privacy, Ellen W. Clayton, Zhiyu Wan, and et al.
Authoring Prior Art, Joseph P. Fishman and Kristelia Garcia
The Emerging Authority of Magistrate Judges within U.S. District Courts, Tracey E. George, Christina L. Boyd, and Albert H. Yoon
AI Derivatives: The Application to the Derivative Work Right to Literary and Artistic Productions of AI Machines, Daniel J. Gervais
Policing Police Tech: A Soft Law Solution, Farhang Heydari, Barry Friedman, Max Isaacs, and Katie Kinsey
The Future of Law and Neuroscience, Owen D. Jones
And a Public Defender for All, Sara Mayeux
A Compulsory Solution to the Machine Problem, Cole G. Merritt
The Political Economy of WTO Exceptions, Timothy Meyer
Unauthorized and Unwise: The Lawful Use Requirement in Trademark Law, Robert Mikos
Equal Speech Protection, Francesca L. Procaccini
Promoting Cost-Effective Grid Modernization, Jim Rossi
Criminal Injustice, Edward Rubin