
Vanderbilt Law Review En Banc

About This Journal

Vanderbilt Law Review En Banc is the online companion journal to the Vanderbilt Law Review, designed to advance scholarly discussion. When reexamining a case “en banc” an appellate court operates at its highest level, with all judges present and participating “on the bench.” We chose the name “En Banc” to capture this spirit of focused review and provide a forum for further dialogue where all can be present and participate. Vanderbilt Law Review En Banc publishes various forms of scholarship, including the following: Roundtables to host debates among legal academics and practitioners, usually on notable cases pending before the U.S. Supreme Court or topical issues; Responses to articles originally published either in the Vanderbilt Law Review or with Vanderbilt Law Review En Banc; Essays written by scholars, practitioners, judges, or students on contemporary legal issues; Delaware Corporate Law Bulletins written by professors and students, commenting on recent corporate case law developments in Delaware; Notes and Comments written by Law Review members on various legal issues; and Book Reviews written by professors on recent pieces of scholarship, with a focus on reviewing books authored by a Vanderbilt Law faculty member.