May 1995
The Reintegration of Hong Kong into the People's Republic of China
John H. Henderson
The Future of Europe Lies in Waste
Daniel W. Simcox
International Issues in Common Law Choice of Law
Harold G. Maier
The 1994 Inter-American Convention on the Law Applicable to International Contracts, and Trends for the 1990s
Harold S. Burman
Judicial Jurisdiction in the Conflict of Laws Course: Adding a Comparative Dimension
Linda J. Silberman
Professor Lowenfeld Responds
Andreas F. Lowenfeld
Why Teach International Family Law in Conflicts?
William L. Reynolds
The Internationalization of Contractual Conflicts Law
Patrick J. Borchers
American Conflicts Scholarship and the New Law Merchant
Friedrich K. Juenger
Editors' Introduction
Journal Editor