"Law and Economics as a Pillar of Legal Education" by W. Kip Viscusi and Joni Hersch

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Review of Law and Economics

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doctoral degrees, law and economics, legal scholarship


Law | Law and Economics


This paper reports the distribution of doctoral degrees in economics and in other fields among faculy at the 26 hghest-ranked law schools. Almost one-third of professors at the top 13 law schools have a Ph.D. degree, with 9 % having a Ph.D. in economics. Law school rank is hghly correlated with the share of faculy holding a Ph.D. in economics and is less correlated with the share offaculy with other doctoral degrees. Law and economics is a major area of legal scholarsh based on citations in the law literature and other impact rankings. In recognition of the increased importance of economics in legal education, in 2006 Vanderbilt University establshed a joint J.D./Ph.D. program in law and economics. The program is housed in the law school and offers 11 new Ph.D. courses designed to fully integrate economics into legal education. We provide information on the genesis and operation of the program.



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