"Patient Awareness and Approval for an Opt-Out Genomic Biorepository" by Ellen Wright Clayton, Kyle B. Brothers et al.

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Personalized Medicine

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biorepository, exit interviews, human nonsubjects, research ethics


Health Law and Policy | Law | Privacy Law


Aim: In this study, we sought to assess patient awareness and perceptions of an opt-out biorepository. Materials & methods: We conducted exit interviews with adult patients and parents of pediatric patients having their blood drawn as part of their clinical care at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (TN, USA). Results: 32.9% of all patients and parents of pediatric patients report having heard of the opt-out biorepository, while 92.4% approve of this research effort based on a brief description. Awareness that leftover blood could be used for research increased among adult patients during the study period, from 34.3 to 50.0%. Conclusion: These findings will inform ongoing assessments of the suitability of opt-out and opt-in methods as alternatives to written informed consent for inclusion in a biorepository.



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