Issue 2 - March 2009
Neglected Justices: Discounting For History
G. Edward White
There Were Great Men Before Agamemnon
William R. Casto
William Johnson, the Dog That Did Not Bark?
Mark R. Killenbeck
Bushrod Washington
Herbert A. Johnson
The Perils of Popularity: David Josiah Brewer and the Politics of Judicial Reputation
J. Gordon Hylton
Rufus W. Peckham and Economic Liberty
James W. Ely, Jr.
Justice Sutherland Reconsidered
Samuel R. Olken
Pierce Butler: A Supreme Technician
David R. Stras
Sherman Minton: Restraint Against a Tide of Activism
Linda C. Gugin
The Rankings Game
James W. Ely, Jr. Professor of Law and Mark E. Brandon Professor of Law & Political Science