Issue 2 - March 2008
Are an Empty Head and a Pure Heart Enough? Mens Rea Standards for Judge-Imposed Rule 11 Sanctions and Their Effect on Attorney Action
Sybil L. Dunlop
Increasing the Effectiveness of the Security Council's Chapter VII Authority in the Current Situations Before the International Criminal Court
Elizabeth C. Minogue
Why Ratify? Lessons from Treaty Ratification Campaigns
Uta Oberdorster
The Evolving Role of Institutional Investors in Corporate Governance and Corporate Litigation
Randall S. Thomas
On Beyond CalPERS: Survey Evidence on the Developing Role of Public Pension Funds in Corporate Governance
Stephen J. Choi and Jill E. Fisch
There Are Plaintiffs and ... There Are Plaintiffs: An Empirical Analysis of Securities Class Action Settlements
James D. Cox, Randall S. Thomas, and Lynn Bai
The Forgotten Derivative Suit
Kenneth B. Davis, Jr.
Hands-Off Options
Jesse M. Fried
Proxy Contests in an Era of Increasing Shareholder Power: Forget Issuer Proxy Access and Focus on E-Proxy
Jeffrey N. Gordon