Issue 6 - Symposium: Convergence on Delaware: Corporate Bankruptcy and Corporate Governance
Chapter 11 Reorganization Cases and the Delaware Myth
Harvey R. Miller
Introduction to the Symposium "Convergence on Delaware: Corporate Bankruptcy and Corporate Governance"
Robert K. Rasmussen and Charles M. Elson
The Law of Last Resort
Barry E. Adler
Corporate Ownership Structure and the Evolution of Bankruptcy Law: Lessons from the United Kingdom
John Armour; Brian R. Cheffins; and David A. Skeel, Jr.
Fourt (or Five) Easy Lessons from Enron
Douglas G. Baird and Robert K. Rasmussen
Managers' Fiduciary Duty Upon the Firm's Insolvency: Accounting for Performance Creditors
Alon Chaver and Jesse M. Fried
Corporate Governance Reform and Reemergence from Bankruptcy: Putting the Structure Back in Restructuring
Charles M. Elson, Paul M. Helms, and James R. Moncus
Why Are Delaware and New York Bankruptcy Reorganizations Failing?
Lynn M. LoPucki and Joseph W. Doherty