Issue 1 - December 1960
Studies in Legal Philosophy
William R. Andersen Professor of Law
The Function of Legal Philosophy
Roscoe Pound
Plato and the Doctrine of Natural Law
Hans Kelsen
Law as Means to End
Thomas E. Davitt S.J.
Four Eighteenth Century Theories of Justice
Clarence Morris
Austin's Theory of the Separation of Law and Morals
Samuel E. Stumpf
Rudolf Von Jhering
Iredell Jenkins
Gustav Radbruch
Wolfgang Friedmann
The Pure Theory of Law
Reginald Parker
Justice Holmes and the Common-Law Tradition
John C.H. Wu
The Legal Philosophy of Morris R. Cohen
Huntington Cairns
John Dewey--A Philosophy of Law for Democracy
Jay W. Murphy
American Legal Realism in Retrospect
Hessel E. Yntema
Justice, Language and Communication
Julius Stone and G. Tarello
Recent Cases
Law Review Staff
Book Review
Book Reviews
Edgar Bodenheimer, Robert S. Lancaster, Stanley D. Rose, and Lloyd B. Urdahl