Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law

First Page



The developing countries have several things in common. They share, to a large extent, similar political and socio-economic backgrounds, strive to overcome similar problems, and aspire to achieve the same goals of social progress and economic welfare. Hence, the importance of coordination of their efforts towards their common objectives can hardly be overemphasized.

In order to avoid the mistakes of the past and emulate the positive gains of the present, the developing countries, in searching for and developing their petroleum resources, can and must learn a great deal from each other. The experience of some of them has been long, rich, and varied, albeit painful and agonizing at times; that of others has been either fledgling or virtually non-existent. The gap between the two extreme categories can span as much as three-quarters of a century or more. The latter can obviously benefit from the experience of the former, adapting whatever is relevant to their own particular local conditions and current needs. This paper is an attempt to review certain aspects of that experience and to deduce its lessons in order to promote the exchange and dissemination of information, which is a prerequisite for effective cooperation among the developing countries.
