Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law


Patrick Stough

First Page



The role of globalization in the rapid economic success of Southeast Asia is exemplified by the growing westernization of the region's cities. While globalization has its benefits, such as encouraging investment and global connectivity, it also threatens the cultural heritage of a given area by encouraging a sort of homogeneity that makes modern cities all look alike. In particular, the goal of economic development often stands at odds with the preservation of structures and properties that reflect the cultural heritage of the region. Furthermore, many of the countries of the region are under pressure to better protect property rights, another policy that can run counter to the goals of historic preservation. In this Note, the Author looks at the state of property rights, urban development, and historic preservation in four Southeast Asian countries and proposes a solution that is able to balance the competing goals of historic preservation, globalization, and economic development. This solution, which has been employed in parts of South America, involves public-private partnerships that incorporate historic preservation into general urban planning and encourage private involvement and investment.
