First Page
This Commentary followed presentation of the first two articles in this volume at a meeting on the TRIPS Agreement. The commentator first reflects on the theme of Professor Oddi's article, and suggests that the TRIPS Agreement must be evaluated in the broad context of the Uruguay Round bargain. He observes that the potential economic impact of the TRIPS Agreement on global economic development is of central concern, and that much work remains to be done both in refining economic analysis of the Agreement, and in addressing developmental issues. The commentator then discusses renewed interest in the activities of WIPO, and he highlights various sets of issues raised by the TRIPS Agreement. These Include issues relating to dispute settlement, implementation, nullification and impairment, and exhaustion/parallel importation.
Recommended Citation
Frederick M. Abbott,
Commentary: The International Intellectual Property Order Enters the 21st Century,
29 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vjtl/vol29/iss3/4