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Book Reviews
Human Rights: International Petition System
Binders 1 and 2
Maxine E. Tardu
Dobbs Ferry: Oceania Publications, Inc.,1979 and 1980. $75.00 per Binder.
Reviewed by Howard D.Coleman
The International Law and Policy of Human Welfare
Edited by R. St. John Macdonald, D.M. Johnston and L. Morris
The Netherlands: Sijthoff and Noordhoff, 1978. Pp. xviii, 690. $95.
Reviewed by Clark C. Siewert
Deep Sea Mining
Judith T. Kildow, Editor
Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England: MIT Press. 1980. Pp. 251.
Reviewed by John T. Smith II
Recommended Citation
Howard D. Coleman, Clark C. Siewert, and John T. Smith II,
Book Reviews,
14 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vjtl/vol14/iss2/12