"Books Received" by Journal Staff
Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law


Journal Staff

First Page



Books Received

Direct Investment and Development in the U.S.: A Guide to Incentive Programs, Laws and Distinctions

Raymond J. Waldmann

Washington, D.C.: Transnational Investments, LTD., 1980. Map, Tables and Glossary. Pp. 443.


Taxing Unfair International Trade Practices

Greyson Byran

Lexington, Mass: Lexington Books, 1980. Pp. 360. $34.95.


The Constitutions of the Communist World

Edited by William B. Sinons

Netherlands: Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 1980. Pp. 662.


The Circular

Part I by Eric J. Herpin and Part II by Charles A.Dilley

Brussels: Emile Bruylant, 1979. Pp. 216.


International Corporate Taxation

Philip P. Postlewaite

Colorado Springs, Colorado: Shepard's/McGraw-Hill Book Company,1980. Pp. 310. $60.00.


International Aspects of U.S. Income Taxation: Cases and Materials, Volume I. Elisabeth A. Owens

Cambridge, Massachusetts: International Tax Program, Harvard Law School, 1980.Pp. 300. $12.50.


The West Bank and the Rule of Law

Raja Shehadeh

assisted by Jonathan Kuttab

Geneva, Switzerland: The International Commission of Jurists and Law in the Service of Man, 1980. Pp.128.


The International Law and Policy of Human Welfare

Edited by R. St.J. Macdonald, D.M. Johnston and G.L. Morris

Netherlands: Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 1978. Pp. 687. Partially in French.



Stuart M. Speiser

New York, New York: Horizon Press,1980. Pp. 598. $9.95.
