"Case Digest" by Journal Staff
Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law


Journal Staff

First Page



Case Digest ================

1. Admiralty

Provisions of Carriage of Goods by Sea Act Incorporated by Reference in Bill of Lading are to be Given Effect Consistent with other Bill of Lading and Tariff Provisions

Voyage Charter Extended to Cover Contract Setting Termination Date in Order to Avoid "Secret" Maritime Liens

2. International Patent Regulation

In a Patentee's Dealing with Licensees, the Policies Underlying the Patent System do not Override those of the Sherman Act

3. Jurisdiction and Procedure

Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act § 1611 operates when Treaty Waiver does not specifically include a Certain Type of Property

Transactions involving Options in a Foreign Currency are Commodities Subject to Regulation under the Commodity Exchange Act
