Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law

First Page



Admiralty--Requirement of Minimum Contacts for Jurisdiction to Attach Property of Nonresident Defendant is not Applicable to Maritime Attachment

Aubrey W. Bogle, III


Buy American Statutes--New Jersey--Constitutionality of Buy American Statute Upheld by State Supreme Court

Edward H. Lueckenhoff


Citizenship--The Fourteenth Amendment requires Proof by Clear, Convincing, and Unequivocal Evidence that Relinquishment of United States Citizenship is Voluntary

Clark C. Siewert


Extradition--Double Jeopardy Provision of Extradition Treaty Applies even Where Crime Committed before Ratification

Michael P. Peck


Sovereign Immunity--Service of Process in the United States on a Permanent Mission to the United Nations must Conform to the Specific Requirements of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act

Joe Bernard Foltz
