"Bankruptcy from a Family Law Perspective" by G. Stanley Joslin
Vanderbilt Law Review

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The points at which family interests are involved in the usual bankruptcy proceeding are many. Some are quite obvious, as dower rights of the wife, alimony claims, or intra-family concealments. Others are less conspicuous but no less potent, as exclusion of relatives and spouses from certain rights, post-bankruptcy inheritances, cryptic exemption rights or evidentiary obligations. The scope here will not be limited to the traditional academic "Family Law" concept but will include that wider sphere where husbands, wives, and children are actually and vitally concerned in a bankruptcy involving one of them. Not only are the advantageous rights to be considered but also the duties and burdens placed upon members because of the family unit. It is with this broad concept of family law as it intermingles in the law of bankruptcy that we are here concerned.
