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If there is any proposition upon which teachers of procedure seem to agree it is that the Federal Rules ought to be a focal point of interest in the study of their subject. Most casebooks on general procedure published in recent years emphasize their concentration upon the Federal Rules: Vanderbilt's Cases on Modern Procedure and Judicial Administration, Field and Kaplan's Materials on Civil Procedure, Brown, Vestal and Ladd's Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure, to mention only a few. And when older casebooks, like Scott and Simpson's Cases and Other Materials on Civil Procedure or Clark's Cases on Modern Pleading are revised, the revision almost invariably is in the direction of greater attention to the Federal Rules. The remarkable thing about these books is that not one of them is designed as a vehicle for the teaching of federal procedure as such. Every one is offered as a vehicle for the teaching of procedure generally.
Recommended Citation
Delmar Karlen,
The Place of the Federal Rules in the Teaching of Procedure,
7 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol7/iss4/7