Vanderbilt Law Review

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The use of the symposium for enlightenment on current problems in the Law is most effective. However thorough the work of a single author may be, the result is the conclusion of one mind. Recognizing that the treatises of the great writers on Conflict of Laws show the main structure for that field, there is still need for the special articles of a symposium. In the great domains of the profession, one man's research and understanding cannot give to his reader the breadth of view attainable from the combined work of a group of scholars. This comment is applicable to Conflict of Laws.

The choice of this topic by the Vanderbilt Law Review for its annual special contribution to the profession is admirable. Not only is it a live subject in many fields, such as torts, domestic relations, sales, negotiable instruments, federal venue and judgments, but its importance has been emphasized by the changes wrought through the decision of Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins.
