First Page
The first Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizational Defendants ("Guidelines") became effective on November 1, 1991.' The Guidelines represent the federal government's latest action in the developing area of organizational sanctions and are the result of three years of work and several prior draft proposals by the United States Sentencing Commission. Part II of this Recent Development examines past legal and theoretical approaches to the problem of organizational sentencing. Part III describes both the past and present efforts of the United States Sentencing Commission to promulgate sentencing guidelines for organizations. Part IV analyzes the new Guidelines in light of the statutory purposes and prevailing theories of organizational sentencing. Part V presents proposed amendments to the new Guidelines.
Recommended Citation
Emmett H. Miller, III,
Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizational Defendants,
46 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol46/iss1/5