First Page
Federalism, a complicating factor in many areas of governmental concern, poses unique problems in efforts of the states and the Federal Government to maximize the satisfaction of human wants from natural resources. These problems take on added significance in view of indications of growing governmental activity in response to the pressures upon our natural resource base of an expanding economy, a rising population trend, and increasing preparations for national defense during what may be a very long period of international tension and war. Decisions must be made determining the manner in which new responsibilities will be shared by our levels of government. An important consideration is the extent to which the range of such decisions may be circumscribed by provisions of the United States Constitution. This paper will survey current developments having a bearing upon this consideration, with special reference to river basin development and problems relating to petroleum and natural gas.
Recommended Citation
Corwin W. Johnson,
Federal and State Control of Natural Resources,
4 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol4/iss4/1