First Page
One does not expect to be mesmerized by a book entitled Youth Crime and Urban Policy: A View from the Inner City. Yet this volume, compiled from the proceedings of a May 1980 conference sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI) proves to be a powerful testament to the plight of the dweller in America's crime-plagued inner-city neighborhoods. Because Robert Woodson has edited the comments of the conference's participants with a light hand, the book gives the reader the power of voices from the street-voices of people who are trying daily to stem the tide of despair, decay, and crime that surrounds them. Not only do the conference participants display a compelling ability to describe their surroundings, but they also use their observations to suggest possible solutions to the problem of inner-city crime and violence.
Recommended Citation
Diana R. Gordon,
Youth Crime and Urban Policy: A View from the Inner City,
35 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol35/iss3/12