First Page
This Article reviews the first ten years of rulemaking, enforcement, and adjudication under the Act. The Article identifies various problem areas that have developed in these activities and for each area discusses whether past and present efforts to meet the problems have been adequate. In light of the Act's troubled history, the Article suggests several amendments to the Act, as well as administrative reforms, to facilitate the Act's implementation. The Article does not, however, attempt to address all of the myriad legal and policy issues or all of the Act's provisions that would benefit from congressional redrafting. Instead, the Article is necessarily limited to a discussion of broad policy developments and the essential amendments and reforms needed to make the Act efficient and effective.
Recommended Citation
Mark A. Rothstein,
OSHA After Ten Years: A Review and Some Proposed Reforms,
34 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol34/iss1/3