First Page
Bar Admission Rules and Student Practice Rules
Edited by Fannie J. Klein with contributions by Ms. Klein, Steven H. Leleiko, and Jane H. Mavity
In this single volume, the Council on Legal Education for Professional Responsibility provides the first comprehensive collection of state and federal bar admission and law student practice rules. - - - - - - - - -
Desegregation from Brown to Alexander: An Exploration of Supreme Court Strategies
By Stephen Wasby, Anthony D'Amato,and Rosemary Metrailer.
In 1954, the United States Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education (Brown I) held that "separate" education for blacks and whites in public elementary and secondary schools was not"equal" education under the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment to the United States Constitution. A year later,in Brown v. Board of Education (Brown II), the Court held that the schools must desegregate "with all deliberate speed." In 1969, how-ever, the Court in Alexander v. Holmes County held that there had to be an end to "all deliberate speed" and that desegregation had to come "at once." Using the Brown and Alexander decisions as the endpoints of their analysis, and combining the analytical tools of the legal historian and the political scientist, the authors of Desegregation investigate the Court's strategies in handling race relations cases during the Warren era.
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Ethics in the Practice of Law
by Geoffrey C. Hazard
Ethics, a concept that ranges from the technical to the moral, is an integral part of the foundation that guides the day-to-day activities of lawyers. In this regard, the American Bar Association set forth ethical guidelines for the legal profession with the adoption in 1970 of the Code of Professional Responsibility. Nevertheless, in any attempt to prescribe general rules of professional conduct, specific situations often create ethical problems that force the conscientious practitioner to sail an uncertain course between Scylla and Charybdis. Moreover, the recent Watergate debacle questioned whether legal ethics were chimerical, or merely elusive. In this book, Geoffrey Hazard offers a succinct overview of the ethical problems and crises facing the contemporary lawyer.
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The Law of Corporations: What Corporate Lawyers Do
By Jan G. Deutsch and Joseph J. Bianco
Abandoning hornbook categorization and seeking to present legal doctrines in the context of entrepreneurial conduct, the authors organize this casebook based upon six roles played by the corporate lawyer: reader of cases, litigator, draftsman, political technician, economic analyst, and counsel. Deutsch and Bianco disclaim any attempt to produce a comprehensive reference tool for existing law; instead they focus upon the emerging trends in fluid areas of corporate law.
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Plea Bargaining: The Experiences of Prosecutors, Judges, and Defense Attorneys
By Milton Heumann
In his recent work, Plea Bargaining: The Experiences of Prosecutors, Judges, and Defense Attorneys, Professor Milton Heumann examines the adaptation of new prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges to the plea bargaining court. Firmly grounding the research for his formative analysis on a representative sample of circuit and superior courts in the state of Connecticut, Professor Heumann not only examines how new attorneys and judges adjust to the plea bargaining procedure, but also explores the nature of this adaptation process and its substantive impact on the criminal justice system.
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Politics and the Professors: The Great Society in Perspective
By Henry J. Aaron
Henry J. Aaron, the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and a former senior fellow in the Brookings Economic Studies program,examines the foundations of the initial commitment to social reform programs and the subsequent disillusionment, focusing upon the contributions of social science scholars. The author concentrates on the federal government's intervention in the areas of poverty and discrimination, education and training, and unemployment and inflation.
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Public Policy and Private Higher Education
Edited by David W. Breneman and Chester E. Finn, Jr., with the assistance of Susan C.Nelson
A collection of essays, introduced and concluded with summarizing chapters by the editors, Public Policy and Private Higher Education deals with the role of private higher education in the 1980's and focuses upon the determinative effect of public policy in shaping this role.
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The Public Use of Private Interest
By Charles L. Schultze
Schultze's book is a short yet effective critical analysis of the American tendency to respond to social problems by legislative fiat and cumbersome regulatory schemes that are inefficient and often impossible to enforce.
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Journal Staff,
Recent Publications,
31 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol31/iss6/7