"Recent Cases" by Journal Staff
Vanderbilt Law Review


Journal Staff

First Page



Antitrust Law--Robinson-Patman Act--To Satisfy the "In Commerce" Requirement of Section 2(a) at Least One of the Allegedly Discriminatory Sales in a Secondary-Line Case Must Cross a State Line


Constitutional Law--Equal Protection--Exclusion of Pregnancy-Related Disabilities from State Salary Compensation Insurance Program Denies Equal Protection to Pregnant Employees


Criminal Procedure--Grand Juries--Exclusionary Rule in Search and Seizure Cases Does Not Apply to Grand Jury Proceedings


Securities Regulation-Rule 10b-5--Plaintiffs Who Are Neither Purchasers nor Sellers of Securities May Recover Under Rule 10b-5 if Injured in Their Capacity as Investors as a Direct Consequence of Fraud in Connection with a Securities Transaction


Securities Regulation-Stock Exchanges--Good Faith Discretionary Action by a Stock Exchange to Rescue a Broker--Dealer Is a Defense to an Action for Nonenforcement of Stock Exchange Rules Under Section 6 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934


Taxation-Business Expense Deduction--Section 162(a)(3) Deduction Allowed for Rent Payments Made by Reversioner Under Gift-to-Trust and Leaseback of Business Property


Taxation-Corporate Redemptions--Absent a Pre-Gift Agreement Obligating Taxpayer's Corporation to Redeem Stock Donated by Taxpayer to an Educational Institution, Post-Gift Redemptions Do Not Constitute Constructive Dividends to Taxpayer
