Vanderbilt Law Review

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The Case Against Oligopoly: A New Perspective--

Campaigns of corporate aggrandizement have always attracted a wide assortment of camp followers, with politicians and academics among the most persistent. To the politician, corporate size is a convenient and headline-provoking punching bag (and, during election time, a plentiful source of funding), while many a professor has established a reputation--and made money--by criticizing, extolling, or analyzing its various components. In a series of public hearings, the Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly, with Dr. John Blair as chief economist, produced a subdued blend of both callings. Drawing heavily but not exclusively from the record of these hearings,' Economic Concentration: Structure, Behavior and Public Policy is Blair's statement on corporate size.

Arthur D. Austin


The Austrian--German Arbitral Tribunal--A Model for Conflict Resolution

Under the Austrian State Treaty, executed in 1955, Austria received from the Allies the German assets in Austria that the Allies had seized in victory. In order to prevent a renewed German predominance of the Austrian economy, Austria pledged in the treaty that the bulk of these assets would never be returned to German control. While the Soviet Union demanded payment by Austria for assets it transferred, the Western powers, including the United States, made their transfers free of charge. Germany was required to compensate its own nationals for the property in Austria that they had lost, and Austria was asked to waive on behalf of itself and its nationals those claims against Germany arising after German entry into Austria in 1938. The scheme was devised to reduce the possibility of tension generated by claims crossing state lines. Despite this effort to reduce conflict, Austria and Germany foresaw persisting problems in claim settlements, and to settle them they executed the Property Treaty on June 15, 1957.

John N. Hazard
