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In this country, persons who have not been admitted to the bar are widely used in law offices. In fact, A Lawyer's Handbook, edited by the American Bar Association's Committee on the Economics of Law Practice, devotes an entire chapter to the nonlawyer employee. Investigators and accountants are common and legal secretaries are universal. There are pressing questions on what more should be done to utilize laymen in making legal services available. This issue of the Vanderbilt Law Review considers the paraprofessional in law. The Symposium opens with an article by Mr. William P. Statsky. In his discussion, The Education of Legal Paraprofessionals: Myths,Realities, and Opportunities, p.1083, he lays less stress on the para-professional who aids the lawyer and gives more attention to the one who works independently of and supplants the lawyer, the social worker or the welfare advocate.
Recommended Citation
Elliott E. Cheatham,
The Legal Paraprofessional: An Introduction,
24 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol24/iss6/2