Vanderbilt Law Review

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In response to strong opposition, the political tide is slowly moving towards restrictive legislation that may well spell the demise of the one-bank holding company movement. But regardless of its form,the legislation ultimately adopted is certain to have an important influence on the future of our financial structure since many of the basic structural aspects are at issue. It therefore provides Congress with a golden opportunity to make fundamental changes. In effect, Congress's task is to reappraise our financial system with a view towards determining whether its underlying structure is still compatible with present goals and contemporary needs and, if not, to determine whether one-bank holding companies can make a meaningful contribution towards altering its structure. The purpose of this paper is to explore, analyze, and evaluate the issues raised by the controversy over one-bank holding companies. If, however, it succeeds in merely exposing the essence of these issues, the author will consider it a success. Although in the following discussion evaluations are made and conclusions drawn, these are obviously provisional judgments which await the results of more thorough research.
