Vanderbilt Law Review

Article Title

Elliott E. Cheatham


John W. Wade

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Elliott Cheatham is a man of young ideas--often radical ones. His thoughts and plans are of the future, and he looks to the past only for the lessons it gives as to how the future can be improved. He thinks always of the "energizing forces of the law."' He sees the turmoil and vicissitudes of contemporary society as a challenge to the law, the lawyer, and the law school, to identify the values in them and find a way for law to produce the orderly change which will capture and utilize those values. He can sternly and firmly prod and redirect the lazy or recalcitrant student, the not-so-productive faculty member, or the lagging dean. At 80, he is presently engaged in writing two books and has plans for a third. He works seven days a week, I don't really know how many hours. This year, for the first time, he is not taking direct responsibility for any courses; we are happy to have agreed on the title of "Research Professor of Law" and to use his talents in various ways.