"Recent Cases" by Law Review Staff
Vanderbilt Law Review

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Conflict of Laws--Significant Interest Doctrine Extended to Marital Property Litigation


Constitutional Law-Search and Seizure--Fourth Amendment Restrictions Apply to Electronic Eavesdropping When Conversations Are Private--Physical Trespass Test Discarded


Constitutional Law-Section 5(a) (1) (D) Prohibiting Members of Communist-Action Organizations from Employment in Defense Facilities Held Unconstitutional Infringement Upon Freedom of Association


Criminal Law--Evidence-Unauthorized Juror View Violates Sixth Amendment Right to Confrontation


Domestic Relations--Intentional False Representation of Pregnancy Grounds for Annulment


Income Tax--Corporations--Attorneys' and Accountants' Fees Incurred in Sale of Assets Pursuant to a Section 337 Liquidation Are Not Deductible


Interest--Usury--Charging Debtor with Statutory Maximum Loan Fees Prohibited Unless Reasonably Related to Services Rendered and Expenses Incurred by Lender


Labor Law--Authorization Cards--Doubt of Union Majority Based on Cards Found to Meet Good Faith Requirements in Spite of Employer Unfair Labor Practices


Procedure--Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Federal Interpleader--Claims Under Rule 13(g) May Be Asserted in an Action in Interpleader Only to Attack the Cross-Claim Defendant's Claim Against the Common Fund


Torts--An Unemancipated Minor May Maintain Action for Personal Injuries Caused by a Parent's Negligent Driving


Trade Regulation--Dealer Coerced to Terminate Franchise May Recover Future Profits Under Automobile Dealer's Day in Court Act
