Vanderbilt Law Review

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An Estate Planner's Handbook By Mayo Adams Shattuck

Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1948. Pp. 575. $7.50

reviewer: Philip A. Hendrick


Estate Planning and Estate Tax Saving By Edward N. Polisher

Philadelphia: George T. Bisel Company. Second Edition, 1948. 2 Volumes. Pp. xxxii, 923. $20.00

reviewer: Charles L.B. Lowndes


Federal Taxes--Corporations and Partnerships, 1948-49 By Robert H. Montgomery, Conrad B. Taylor and Mark E. Richardson

Vol. I: Gross Income and Deductions Vol. II: Taxes, Returns and Administration New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1948. Pp. xiii, 1001; pp. iv, 881. $20.00

Federal Taxes--Estates, Trusts and Gifts, 1948-49

By Robert H. Montgomery and James 0. Wynn

New York: The Ronald Press Company,1948. Pp. xi, 1263. $10.00

reviewer: Adrian W. DeWind


Wills, Gifts and Estate Planning Under the 1948 Revenue Act

By Seymour S. Mintz, Richard C. Flesch and Bernard Soman

Washington: The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., 1948. Pp. 328. $2.00

reviewer: Chas. A. Morehead


Federal Taxation for the Lawyer

By Houstin Shockey

New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., Second Edition, 1947. Pp. xiii, 396. $5.00

reviewer: John R. Stivers
