First Page
Book Reviews
The Roosevelt Court: A Study in Judicial Politics and Values By C.Herman Pritchett New York: The Macmillan Company, 1948, Pp. 314,$5.00
Lions Under the Throne By Charles P. Curtis, Jr. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1947. Pp. 361. $3.50
The Nine Young Men By Wesley McCune New York: Harper & Bros.,1947. Pp. 293. $3.50
reviewer: William N. Ethridge, Jr.
A Declaration of Legal Faith By Wiley Rutledge Lawrence, Kansas:University of Kansas Press, 1947. Pp. 82. $2.00
reviewer: M. G. Dakin
The Papers of Walter Clark: 1857-1901, Vol. 1 Edited by Aubrey Lee Brooks and Hugh T. Leffler Chapel Hill, N. C.: University of North Carolina Press. 1948. Pp. xv, 607. $6.00
reviewer: A. B. Neil
State Labor Relations Acts By Charles C. Killingsworth Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1948. Pp. 328. $4.00
reviewer: C. M. Updegraff
Book Notes
Dangerous Words By Philip Wittenberg New York: Columbia University Press, 1947. Pp. 335. $5.00
Essentials of Libel By Paul P. Ashley Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1948. Pp. 71. $1.50.
Law in Action Edited by Amicus Curiae, With an Introduction by Roscoe Pound New York: Crown Publishers, 1947. Pp. xiv, 498. $3.00
The Trial of Christ from a Legal and Scriptural Viewpoint By David K. Breed St. Louis: Thomas Law Book Company, 1948. Pp. 90. $2.50
Recommended Citation
William N. Ethridge, Jr. (reviewer); M. G. Dakin (reviewer); A. B. Neil (reviewer); and C. M. Updegraff (reviewer),
Book Reviews,
2 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol2/iss1/17