First Page
The problem of the sex offender is as old as society itself. Today, as in the distant past, man is more concerned, in the first instance, with protecting himself and his loved ones from the corrupting touch of the so-called "sex-fiend" than he is with the punishment, treatment or cure of such persons. This phenomenon of social psychology still prevails in spite of the growing preachments of the doctor, psychologist, criminologist and more recently, of the lawyer prosecutor, the lawyer law-maker and the lawyer practitioner,' to the effect that the primarily desirable end of protecting society can best be achieved by a greater emphasis on penological, therapeutic and hygienic techniques applicable in the institutional and post-institutional treatment of such offenders. Much of what is herein proposed in the way of legislative and administrative improvement is generally applicable to the whole field of correction, but the special problem of the sex offender requires that it be underlined.
Recommended Citation
Thomas P. Wall Jr. and Chalmers P. Wylie,
Institutional and Post-Institutional Treatment of the Sex Offender,
2 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol2/iss1/12