First Page
Antitrust--FTC Proceeding Will Not Toll the Statute of Limitations in an Action Under Section 4(b) of the Clayton Act
Conflict of Laws--Where None of the Beneficiaries Reside in Forum State, Limitation on Amount of Recovery Imposed by State Where Tort Occurred Governs
Criminal Law--Double Jeopardy--Conviction of Greater Degree of Offense on Retrial
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure--No Requirement that Agent Appointed To Receive Service of Process be Expressly Bound To Give Notice to Principal
Labor Law--NLRA--Union's Duty To Represent Fairly
Labor Law-Walsh--Healey Act--Secretary of Labor Not Authorized To Set More Than One Prevailing Wage
Torts--Right of Privacy--Reasonableness of Investigation of Personal Injury Claimant
Unemployment Compensation--Interstate Agreements Permitting Legislative Bodies of Other States To Determine Qualifying Procedures
Recommended Citation
Law Review Staff,
Recent Cases,
17 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol17/iss3/34
Included in
Antitrust and Trade Regulation Commons, Criminal Law Commons, Labor and Employment Law Commons, Torts Commons