First Page
The Code, and its repealer provisions, will not become effective in Tennessee until June 30, 1964. This delay gives the practicing attorney fifteen months to become familiar with its provisions. This amount of time will be needed for such education, for the Code is a very large and detailed piece of legislation, and little has been written comparing the present Tennessee law to the Code. It is not the purpose of this article to attempt to summarize the effect of the provisions of this legislation on the present Tennessee law, but only to give notice that it has been enacted and will change some of the present rules. In 1952, the Tennessee Law Review published a series of student notes comparing the Code and most of the Tennessee law it will affect, but the consideration was not very detailed. The Vanderbilt Law Review has also published an article by this author,which considers in some detail the provisions of the Code which affect the bank-depositor relationship (article 4 of the U.C.C. ). It is to be hoped that both of these law reviews will publish further information giving detailed treatment of the effect of this new law.
Recommended Citation
John A. Spanoale,
Commercial Transactions and Personal Property -- 1962 Tennessee Survey,
16 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol16/iss3/9