First Page
Administration of Justice-Federal Rules of Civil Procedure--District Court Has No Power To Penalize Counsel for Delay Which Violates Standing Orders of Court
Carriers--Routes-Action for Reparation Available Under Motor Carrier Act for Unreasonable Routing Defendant motor carrier transported shipments for plaintiff shipper
Constitutional Law--Full Faith and Credit--Collateral Attack on Errors of Court of Prior Forum
Restraint of Trade--Labor Law-Where Defendants Stipulated They Were Independent Contractors and Joined Union To Fix Prices, Having No Other Legitimate Union Interest, Membership May Be Terminated Under Sherman Act
Domestic Relations--Annulment--Female Impotence Is Made Curable by the Surgical Creation of a Functional Organ
Equity--Power of a State To Provide Medical Treatment for a Child Despite the Parents' Objection Based on Religious Belief
Evidence--Witnesses--Clinical Psychologist May Give Expert Testimony on Existence of Mental Disease
Insurance--Automobile Liability Policy--Obligation To Defend Not Controlled by Allegations in Third Party's Complaint Against Insured
Trade Regulation-Advertising--Permissible Scope of FTC Cease and Desist Order Against Manufacturer for Deceptive Advertising Practices
Securities--Investment Advisers Act of 1940--Act Requires Showing of Common Law Fraud for Violation of Sections 206(1) and (2)
Taxation--Federal Estate Tax-Employer's Payments Into Annuity in Which Decedent's Lifetime Interest Is Subject to a Condition Precedent Are Includible in Gross Estate
Taxation--Federal Income Taxation--Legal Expenses Incurred by Husband To Protect His Property Against Claim of Wife Arising from Marital Dispute Are Not Deductible
Torts--Statutory Exemptions of Emergency Vehicles From Traffic Laws Do Not Relieve Driver From Standard of Care Imposed by Common Law
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16 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol16/iss3/30