"Edmund M. Morgan" by Sam L. Felts
Vanderbilt Law Review


Sam L. Felts

First Page



Professor Morgan's subject in this Survey is Procedure and Evidence, the field of his greatest contribution to the law. Its importance cannot be overestimated; for no laws can be better than they actually work in practice. As he emphasizes, the whole purpose of the rules is specifically to define the area of dispute, and to provide the best methods for solving it. In short, the problem, the same for both the practitioner and the judge, is that of mastering the materials of the controversy. Morgan throws a flood of light upon every phase of this problem. Under his extraordinary powers of exposition, the most complicated subject yields to his crystal clear analysis. As Cardozo said of Holmes, so, it may be said of Morgan, he possesses "the art of packing within a sentence the phosphorescence of a page."
