First Page
Evolution is but a means through which the intelligence of God is operating, and thus is irreversibly progressive and dominated by a finality or goal, yet the means for the attainment of that goal have not been rigidly fixed. Man has personal liberty, and, to a certain extent, can transcend nature; but he cannot transcend the creation of life, nor cause the abolition of death. Physically, man has probably evolved about as far as he can go; intellectually, specific individuals have attained the ultimate goal, and the race as a whole has made some progress towards it; but morally, very little progress has been made. What is the goal of moral evolution? The "good society'-an ideal universal social order on earth; and the best plan for attainment of this "society" is through a combination of law and the religion of Jesus (not a religion "about" Jesus as it is being taught today). Is there any possibility that the human race will ever acquire the "good society"? Yes, if the four great factors for human progress-family,education, government, and religion are reformed.In brief, this is the main theme of The Good Society, whose author,Hugh Willis, has had a distinguished career as a professor of law,writer and lecturer. In this book, Professor Willis builds his case in a true legalistic fashion, and once his basic propositions are accepted,it is difficult to arrive at any conclusions other than those he expresses.
Recommended Citation
Law Review Staff,
Book Note,
12 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol12/iss3/21