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How far should Canons 28 and 29 of the ABA's Canons of Ethics deter a lawyer from taking or participating in proceedings against a fellow lawyer in a matter involving the propriety of his professional conduct, by reason of the fact that such proceedings may injure such lawyer's professional reputation. The Canons do not clearly or fully cover this problem...
The solution of these problems related to participating in litigation against a fellow lawyer depends in each case to a great extent on the accompanying circumstances. Professional courtesy should not be distorted or overemphasized merely to avoid a disagreeable or unremunerative assignment.
Recommended Citation
Henry S. Drinker,
Canons 28 and 29 -- An Appraisal,
12 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol12/iss3/10