First Page
To compile a bibliography, it is a prerequisite that one be a lover of books. It is hoped that this paper will be of assistance to those in need and secondarily, that it might possibly open the world of the bibliophile to many others and give Brooklyn a little competition. Atomic energy is a fascinating field for the bibliographer; the surface has yet to be scratched. The work presented is divided into seven sections:
I. Atomic Energy Legislation, 1946-1958.
II. Publications of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 1945/46-1958.
III. Books. (Annotated.)
IV. Periodicals-U. S. and Foreign. (Annotated.)
V. Selected List of Law Review Articles, 1946-1958.
VI. Selected List of Non-Legal Periodical Articles, 1955-1958.
VII. Sources.The goal of this compilation has been to assemble as much introductory and guidance material on the topic of atomic energy and the law as was feasible considering the limitation of space. Choice and selectivity has been quite arbitrary. The enormity of material in the field is overpowering. Emphasis has been given to legislation, regulations, radiation and the medical aspects of the problem as it arises.
Recommended Citation
Eileen M. Murphy,
Atomic Energy and the Law: A Bibliography,
12 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol12/iss1/12