First Page
American industry employs many forms of business organizations. The sole proprietorship, the partnership, general and limited, the joint venture, the joint stock company, the corporation, public issue and close, and many others are all familiar and well established in their use. This article deals with the use by American industry of the close corporation to carry on a joint venture. With due deference to purists in legal terminology we have elected to refer to this particular type of corporate entity as the joint venture corporation. In this article we not only look at the use made of the joint venture corporation in America but also we examine its treatment at the hands of American courts. American industry employs many forms of business organizations. The sole proprietorship, the partnership, general and limited, the joint venture, the joint stock company, the corporation, public issue and close, and many others are all familiar and well established in their use. This article deals with the use by American industry of the close corporation to carry on a joint venture. With due deference to purists in legal terminology we have elected to refer to this particular type of corporate entity as the joint venture corporation. In this article we not only look at the use made of the joint venture corporation in America but also we examine its treatment at the hands of American courts.
Recommended Citation
Thomas F. Broden and Alfred L. Scanlan,
The Legal Status of Joint Venture Corporations,
11 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol11/iss3/2