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On January 1, 1958, the "Cartel Statute" of the Federal Republic of Germany' became effective. American interests in this event are threefold: (1) During the past decade Americans have tried to convince the Western world that in an industrial, democratic society legislation of the American antitrust type is imperative. Is the German cartel statute a piece of legislation of this type? (2) The enactment of the statute brings to an end the application of Law No. 56 enacted by the American Military Government on January 28, 1947. The Paris Treaty between the Allied Powers and Germany provided that the Allied "cartel laws," though administered by the German Minister of Economics, should remain in effect until the German legislature could agree on a new statute. (3) The statute will vitally affect trade between America and Germany as well as the operation of sizable American controlled enterprises there.
Recommended Citation
Heinrich Kronstein,
"Cartels" Under the New German Cartel Statute,
11 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol11/iss2/1