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Compulsion of Judgment: This year's most important decision in the field of Restitution is the famous case of New York Life Ins. Co.v. Nashville Trust Co.' This was the case in which one Buntin disappeared from his home in Nashville under circumstances which led the Supreme Court of Tennessee to hold that he had committed suicide and thus died while an insurance policy was still in effect. As a result the plaintiff insurance company was compelled to pay the defendant trust company, as trustees for the beneficiaries of the policy (Buntin's family), an amount of $60,000. Years later, Buntin was found alive in another state, and the insurance company sued to recover the trust funds still held by the trustee. The suit was in chancery, to establish a constructive trust.
Recommended Citation
John W. Wade,
Restitution -- 1957 Tennessee Survey,
10 Vanderbilt Law Review
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/vlr/vol10/iss5/23