Most Recent Additions* | Scholarship@Vanderbilt Law

Most Recent Additions*


Policing Police Tech: A Soft Law Solution
Farhang Heydari, Barry Friedman, Max Isaacs, and Katie Kinsey


The Aid Gap
Chris Cuthrie and Emily Lamm


The Emerging Authority of Magistrate Judges within U.S. District Courts
Tracey E. George, Christina L. Boyd, and Albert H. Yoon


Gender, Credentials, and M&A
Tracey E. George, G. Mitu Gulati, and Albert H. Yoon


The Visible Trial: Judicial Assessment as Adjudication
Tracey E. George and Albert H. Yoon


An Empirical Look at Compensation in Consumer Class Actions
Brian T. Fitzpatrick and Robert C. Gilbert


The Hidden Question in Fisher
Brian T. Fitzpatrick


Judicial Selection and Ideology
Brian T. Fitzpatrick


Public Attitudes Towards Consent and Data Sharing in Biobank Research
Ellen Wright Clayton, Saskia C. Sanderson, Kyle B. Brothers, Nathaniel D. Mercaldo, and other contributers


Addressing the Ethical Challenges in Genetic Testing and Sequencing of Children
Ellen Wright Clayton, Laurence B. McCullough, Leslie G. Biesecker, Steven Joffe, Lainie Friedman Ross, and Susan M. Wolf


Online Pediatric Research: Addressing Consent, Assent, and Parental Permission
Ellen Wright Clayton, Kyle B. Brothers, and Aaron J. Goldenberg


How Can Law and Policy Advance Quality in Genomic Analysis and Interpretation for Clinical Care?
Ellen W. Clayton; Barbara J. Evans; Gail Javitt; Ralph Hull, Professor, University of Minnesota Law School; Megan Robertson; Pilar Ossorio; Susan M. Wolf; and Thomas Morgan


Does the Law Require Reinterpretation and Return of Revised Genomic Results?
Ellen W. Clayton, Wendy K. Chung, Gary E. Marchant, and Jessica L. Roberts

*Updated as of 03/24/25.