First Page
Celebrity gossip is disseminated on the Internet not only by profitable publications and Internet tabloids with professional writers and sophisticated legal teams, but also by countless numbers of "blogs" posted by ordinary individuals, often with nothing more than a dial-up connection. Americans posting speech on the Internet must be aware of the implications of the Gutnick decision and recognize that they could be dragged into court and held liable for defamation abroad. This note explores theoretical changes to the law that should be adopted to protect the First Amendment as it applies to Internet speech. Additionally, this note discusses various practical tactics that publishers--both professionals and bloggers alike--may employ to prevent liability.
Recommended Citation
Abbey L. Mansfield,
Cyber-Libeling the Glitterati: Protecting the First Amendment for Internet Speech,
9 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/jetlaw/vol9/iss3/10