First Page
This article addresses the many facets of the video game industry and the exceptional role that music has played and continues to play in this expanding industry. Part I tracks the history of music's role as video games developed over the years. Part II discusses the manner in which music is obtained for use in video games and the contractual setting in which this takes place. Part III comments on the current state of the video game industry, exploring ways to shift the paradigm from one that is publicity-driven, to one that recognizes the importance of music. The final section, Part IV, explores what the future of the industry may look like and some of the creative innovations that lie ahead.
Recommended Citation
Michael Cerrati,
Video Game Music: Where it Came From, How it is Being Used Today, and Where it is Heading Tomorrow,
8 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/jetlaw/vol8/iss2/2