First Page
First, this Article will discuss the NCAA regulations applicable to all sports regarding the use of agents by amateur athletes. Next, this Article will discuss (i) the mechanics of the annual Major League Baseball draft, (ii) the factors that contribute to the necessity and desire for amateur baseball players to retain a competent agent or lawyer before they have extinguished their NCAA eligibility, and (iii) how the NCAA regulations are detrimental to both drafted and draft-eligible amateur baseball players. Finally, this Article will discuss how the NCAA should revise its regulations to better serve the amateur athlete in the sport of baseball without destroying the distinction between amateur and professional sports.
Recommended Citation
Richard T. Karcher,
The NCAA's Regulations Related to the Use of Agents in the Sport of Baseball: Are the Rules Detrimental to the Best Interest of the Amateur Athlete?,
7 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/jetlaw/vol7/iss2/2