First Page
This Note will analyze the present rebroadcast dispute, examining the legal and practical issues that will arise and recommend how the parties should proceed in the controversy. The analysis will place this controversy within the larger context of how networks and affiliates are attempting to redefine their roles in the television industry.
The first section will address the history of networks and affiliates and how their relationships have changed as technology has advanced. The second section will then place the present controversy regarding cable rebroadcasts within the framework of the larger industry. It will also address how the present controversy could be resolved in negotiation, litigation, or settlement. The third and fourth sections will examine respectively the viability of the parties' legal claims and remedies. Finally, this Note will draw conclusions based on the direction the television industry is moving and how such trends affect the parties' strategy in the present controversy.
Recommended Citation
Harland R. Schreiber,
Rebroadcast Rights: The Coming Battle in the War Between the Networks and the Affiliats,
1 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law
Available at: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/jetlaw/vol1/iss1/2